WELCOME! ... Hello, welcome to my blog, this is my general recording of lectures and seminars for the subject Digital Culture.
Information Included: course content, background information, researched topic informationa and explanation of researched topic information.

Monday 6 December 2010

Lesson 8 (week 47) (completely used)

The Ontological Contect (3)- Issues of the Body: Cyborgs & Alfie
(Identity & Representation)


Identity- Who are you ... in Cyberspace?

 The definition below taken from an online dictionary full explains the world insidee the computer, known as the virtual world...
virtual world (definition) Virtual World Definition
used, above and below
A virtual world is a genre of online community that often takes the form of a computer-based simulated environment, through which users can interact with one another and use and create objects. Virtual worlds are intended for its users to inhabit and interact, and the term today has become largely synonymous with interactive 3D virtual environments, where the users take the form of avatars visible to others graphically. These avatars are usually depicted as textual, two-dimensional, or three dimensional graphical representations, although other forms are possible (auditory and touch sensations for example). Some, but not all, virtual worlds allow for multiple users.

Who is our audience?
In a way our audience on a site when we represent our selves through characters  is the other people connected to that site. Everyone makes their profile knowing that other people are going to see it or read it, that is what makes our audience people that we interact with. Old friends, new friends, family ect.
Do we have separate identities for different websites?
Most people have separate identities for different sites without even realising it. It’s like having a password, or homepage, we often have more than one and in terms of homepages they are not always in the same layout. For example a person may have a different layout, picture or overall persona on a social networking site like facebook compared to their Bebo or Myspace. I additionally depends on what is on offer form the sites as a site like Myspace is more free in layout and design that facebook where everyone is equal as everyone is as human.
Who is accessing your information online?
The majority of websites have pass codes/ passwords as well as the option to change your setting, even blogger does. People have the right to privacy, if someone didn’t want another specific person to see something on their profile it is possible for that person to be blocked. I believe this to be very important as everyone is individual and some people prefer more privacy than other so the option should be available.


In cyberspace you can be your own person, everything is virtual, you can even give virtual hugs and kisses, basically cyberspace is a place where you can exaggerate your personality.
Many sites on the inter allow you to create your own person/ image of yourself, facebook for example has programs like  ‘Farmville’ linked to it, where you can make a mini character of yourself. You have the ability to change skin tone, hair styles, clothing ect. Like the video game ‘The Sims’ you can be who you want to be in the environment of your choice.
Farmville is not the only place you can create a virtual character there are many other sites of similar aim; ‘Habbo hotel’, ‘Ciytville’ ect.
Having different games and sites that cater to every means that everyone is happy. It’s great that there is a place for everyone to make their own ‘mini me’ on the net, whether your into films, sports or chess, it’s just another way to socialise.

found placement

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