WELCOME! ... Hello, welcome to my blog, this is my general recording of lectures and seminars for the subject Digital Culture.
Information Included: course content, background information, researched topic informationa and explanation of researched topic information.

Monday 24 January 2011

New Term


msn, chat ... smart child
Differences in conversation:
Limited responces
conversation doesn't flow
changing topic is hard, where as it wouldn't be in a person to person convo
responces are quick and easy



Smart conversations with computers

Smart bots can hold advanced conversation so it may seem as though you are having a genuine chat with another person as the conversation may flow as normal, however you are not. This is due to its programming; a word in a sentence can be a trigger to a response that the computer automatically gives.

For example a human may say a sentence such as

‘I’m watching tv, what are you doing?’

And the smart bot may respond with

What are you watching on tv?

This is due to the trigger signal that is set off when the word ‘tv’ or ‘television’ is used. The signal then sends a response. It’s as simple as that.

A Wild idea

Like in the film (date...written by...) ’Deep Blue Sea’ where experimentation goes wrong and the sharks get smarter and attack

One day computer technology could be so advanced that the computers actually have their own choice in what to say, almost like the film, ‘I Robot’ starring Will Smith, where the robot has a mind of its own.

Also like in the film as the root take over the world, computers could. Although the idea of it is ridiculous, it would be a global tragedy if it were to actually happen. Luckily our technology only does what we command.

Many smart bots have been made and are easily found on the internet, simply by using any search engine. Smart bots can also be found when no being looked for.

Whilst on msn once I got an friend request from 'smart child', which I thought was simply someone’s screen name, however it wasn’t, once I had a conversation with what I thought I a person, soon realised, I was not conversating with a human I figure d this out has some replies I was getting didn’t completely make sense, as well as this, the replies were always super fast. I would get a response, whether lengthy or short n a matter of a second. Even at this time when I didn’t know anything about smart bots, I knew this was a computer.

Smart bots are not only found on msn, but also other networking sites or in chat rooms. Research shows that there are....

Smart bots have become more and more advanced and are now have their responses based around a subject/topic, for example ...

Doctor/nurse bot...


Their use (search google)